Hallo Everyone:
I am back in
Monheim, Germany. To visit friends and colleagues and work, work, work. A colleague from
Sunita Poojary, also is visiting so we are getting reacquainted and meeting some new colleagues and some old ( one is actually a year older, Sascha celebrated his Birthday on Friday.) We had many
pastries supplied by Wendy who was gracious enough to give me money to bring over, and Sascha brought a cake. We danced and sang most of the day and during lunch we rode horses and played a quick game of cricket.....
Sunita and I left for a short walk to the Rhine river. We returned two hours later....You all are aware that I am directionally challenged.... Below is
Sunita with the Rhine in the distance.

Sunita wanted to walk out into the river and I would have let her go if I knew Karl would not be upset that she floated off down stream, never to be seen again. S
he has a few studies to work on so I thought best we stay on shore.

Below is a huge barge or something. It was not accepting passengers.

I told
Sunita that the water was like bath water, as in
Monheim it is always sunny and a balmy 30C and that a nice dip in the
Rhine would do her good.....Lucky, the dog, was having a nice swim. I call him Lucky as it was a wonder he was not frozen.

Tourists!!!! Always have to take pictures!!
Sunita will have many memories to take back to
Monheim. She has mentioned SEVERAL times that she LOVES
Monheim and that it reminds her of her home town in India.
Satish, I think she wants to move here.....However her mother has been faking a sickness and has told her on the phone to return. She leaves next Saturday.

This is on our trip back from the Rhine excursion when
Sunita thought it wise to follow a map. It took us about an hour to get to the Rhine with my directions and 20 minutes to return using the map......
Sunita was wanting to ride this horse back to the hotel, she is not in the physical shape that I am, I felt sorry for her. Every step I had to worry that she would fall and not get up again. I had to carry her most of the way and she cried how tired she was the entire trip.

Below is
Sunita with Brigitte, I had thought when God made me that he had broke the mold, but
evidently he/she created Brigitte in
LOL, and I do mean Laugh Out Loud, she has the best sense of humor and is a joy to work with.

You can tell that I do not like this woman very much.....

After trying to survive on Pizza for 5 days, I convinced
Sunita to accompany me to this
Asian restaurant where we suffered through trying to order by looking at pictures on the menu we ordered an excellent meal.

Below is a sign I saw while walking Friday evening trying to get reception fro my Blackberry.
Which STILL does not let me send emails from the Hotel......
This sign has a story to tell...