OK, so I 'found' this new park. I go there each morning and walk, it's about 3/4 to a mile from the
Beatle Hotel and Gloria Jeans is about halfway. A win-win for me. So I thought this weekend I would hangout there, play some horseshoes or volleyball, do some wind sailing....
OK they don't have any of these things in the middle of the city.
LOL. But the park is beautiful and has many NC plants and flowers like crepes,
lantana, something similar to a tulip magnolia, some
plants like those giant glads we have o
n the medians off I40, just brings back a little feeling of NC in the spring to me. No daffodils though. Anyway I went there at 10:30 to find they close during the day...at 10:30, so i hung out by the wall near the fence that surrounds it and pouted for 2 hours and took pictures. I did manage to get a nice sun burn. It was an excellent day today. I went back at 5:00pm and it re-opened. It's so hot during the day that they close, what Indian in their right mind would go to a park just to hang out in the sun?? No one, so I see their point. But I did take pictures inside. In the mornings it is teeming with would-be runners, yoga instructors, meditating maniacs and a few
lilly white foreigners like my self. Its very friendly and it is nice to see so many parents out with their children stretching and walking and playing before school. The park is
surrounded by these massive "sentries". Buildings that reach to the clouds, one is brand new, not even painted yet, but spectacular, just like the girl who went out with Jerry in
This evening it was 70 degrees and a steady breeze, it was beautiful.
Sundar, I walked most of the day after getting on the
recumbent bike for 12 miles. I dropped another KG. Sorry, you may as well give up and concede.
Sundar, senior for the ORCHID group and most
excellent mentor, has lost quite a bit of weight prior to my arrival, but not as much as me. I weighed in here at a whopping 82.4
KGS and now weigh 78.5
KGs on my way to 75
KGS. (181-172lbs). I feel bad for the "old" guy.
I know
RTP got another 3-4 inches of snow. I feel bad for you there,
LOL, I actually had to put some sun screen on today, Lari you would
have been proud of me, I stayed out in the sun for about 6 hours. Melanoma, you got
nothin on me...well maybe that little brown spot on my head....
Enjoy the snaps