Bhargav!! Stay out of my cube!!! Phylly, keep an eye on him, in fact both eyes, he is shifty.
Guido threw me out of his office, claiming to have "important" things to do today, I think it was the snoring that was distracting him, and he was just being kind. Sascha introduced me to all the new programmers yesterday and today I find out that one is leaving. All I said was hello to her, honest!
I will try to get a photo (snap) of everyone before the end of the week but it will probably cost me another truck load of pastries. Bhavesh, when I see this snow, I recall when you, me, Satish and Mike were here in April and you wore ear muffs, you would need body muffs for this weather!!!! The food has been great here as usual as is the camaraderie. I am already looking forward to my return trip. I did not sleep last night, must be the adjustment. The seasoned travellers say the second day is the worst for getting sleep. So today it will appear as I am having a seizure and in need of VIMPAT.
All of ORCHID, hope to see you soon. RTP, it will be a little while. Moser, stay clear of my cube or i will send Mabe up for reconciliation, that is if he has not already done something. Tracy, please keep an eye on Tony and watch what he eats, he is going downhill fast and losing that GQ look of yesteryear....Rene....Mark..........miss talking to you both, keep that chair warm for me when I return in March as I will have many stories to peak your interest.....
Everyone, Have a great day!!!
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