The bus. Top of the chain of survival. Don't walk in front of one and think that they will stop. Neither wind, nor rain, nor old bald white man, nor brown for that matter will prevent this vehicle from its appointed stop. Today the bus was travelling light, there are some laden with local passengers hanging on the windows from the outside while the rest are like sardines inside. I think the outside ride costs more because you can see where you are going and just drop off at anytime. That is why the Indian culture have no obese, they have to run and jump on some of vehicle in motion, no stopping, just like in Indiana Jones or is it Kevin Jones...not sure.
Lari, look , motorcycles!!! As I said, these puppies can carry one to 5 people and at times a whole family. If you could drive one of these for more than 15 minutes in Mumbai without getting in a wreck you could drive on one of those extreme tracks in the US. These are to me the most dangerous because they do not slow down for the speed bumps. I forgot to mention there are speed bumps usually on the side streets. the bikes can go around these and not slow down, and trust me just because you are walking and prone to be maimed or killed, this is not a deterrent.
These two were just sitting there, I am sure the drivers were somewhere tallying up the number of people they made go home and change their underwear today.

And next to last the bike. "Fat bottom girls you make the rockin world go round....get on your bikes and ride....." Again, prey to larger vehicles but more powerful than the pedestrian or westerner looking up in the sky to see the wondrous sites of plants on the top of the buildings and hotels.
And next to last the bike. "Fat bottom girls you make the rockin world go round....get on your bikes and ride....." Again, prey to larger vehicles but more powerful than the pedestrian or westerner looking up in the sky to see the wondrous sites of plants on the top of the buildings and hotels.
Here we have man, well sort of, this is Sundar, mentor for ORCHID and revered professor of telling tales out of school. He is here washing his hands after gorging himself on a meal I paid for. I guess he finally gave up(I.E. "washing his hands") on trying to surpass me in my weight loss. I am at 75.5 kgs a whopping 7 kgs from where I started around 15-16 pounds lighter.
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