These signs were proof there was civilization somewhere close by.
Sundar and Bhargav discussing how scared they were to make the descent into the canyon. Both openly confessed they wanted their mommies.
This guy obviously played poker too long the night before and was trying to remember how much money he had brought because he had nothing left in the morning.....
Tim bunked with Mike, I bunked with Bhargav. No we had separate beds, at least Bhargav and I did. Sometime in the night i awoke to something being killed outside the bungalow. No idea what but from the screams it was a grizzly death. A half hour later a freakin mouse ran up my leg. A squirrel would have made more sense..........Bhargav hysterically laughed
himself back to sleep. It could only happen to me. Obviously Bhargav is challenged by sleeping lengthwise in a bed. Maybe the mouse moved him, no idea , but this is how Tim and I found him after we enjoyed our coffee, which was brought to us precisely at 6:00am accompanied by constant ringing of our door bells. Cruel and unusual punishment of which I blame Satish and Sundar.
Me and Dabhosa. For some reason I thought of the Jolly Green Giant after several beers at a local pub..
I have no idea what the hell happened to this picture
Satish, Sundar and Suchit. They looked so excited to be the last ones to arrive to the bottom
Sandesh with the waterfall in the background. Sandesh and I were the first ones down to the base. I think they told him to keep an eye on the old man and possibly if I fell to step aside and let me roll to my death
Tim was cheerful the whole trip. I don't know what he was 'smokin' but he did have a big bag of goody pills claiming they were malaria pills and other "health" supplements. Anyone remember "ludes"???lol.
Thirupathi (not sure if I spelled this correct so forgive me) . I liked the t-shirt
I thought possibly Moses saw this as the burning bush some years ago and it had grown back.
I had a seizure. No big deal, brought some Vimpat with me.
Relaxing at the base of the waterfall.
Everyone loves to be photographed.
Bhargav seemed happy to make it to the top, right after I took the picture he slipped and rolled all the way back down.
Bhargav repelling across the valley
Dipti replelling across the valley
At first only the strong and only the men were willing to go across, but for some reason when this old dude went across all the women were shamed into following.
Mike performing. There was talk he had once been in a travelling circus.
Satish said this was just like escaping from his old apartment during the last floods in Mumbai.
Sundar had nothing to lose. I was surprised the rope could hold him as it was obvious he had gained all the weight back that he had lost last year.
Varsha said that after working with Brigitte on phase ones this was a piece of cake.
Again, Tim was just giddy and reckless all at the same time. Look Ma, no hands!!! He thought he saw a moose.
Yatin looks bewildered in this team building game where you had to avoid "bombs", predetermined squares that if you stepped on them you had to go back to the beginning and start again.
Sundar was just lost, he spun around like a top out of control. LA LALA RA RARA LALALALA RARARA. LOL.
The winners of the "memory" game. I was on Sunitas team, I think we came in second. The other teams cheated. We had them beat with clap clap clap. bow bowbow caw cawcaw meow QUACK!! LOL you had to be there.....
These 3 are trouble. Gargi, Tejal and Varsha.
The ladies.
The men.
There was also a night walk where the people from the camp tried to scare the team. I think Sundar had to change his shorts after that. But all was well, we returned the next day to Mumbai. It was nice to spend a weekend without the honking of horns or the threat of being run over by an auto-rickshaw.
Hello RTP, I miss you all......yes Christy I said all...LOL.
I missed all the excitement but neverthless ur blog seems to have captured all the imp moments.I hope Tim is off Imodium now that he is back in the US.