As luck would have it there was something in the local water. Marriages were in bloom in February. Below is a picture of Pankti who leads the GRM team in Mumbai and her husband Tushar. I had thought we would make the wedding on time but Mumbai traffic is worse, much worse, than the big Apple. By the time we reached the wedding it was intermission. Evidently her first outfit was beautiful, I don't know how it could have been more beautiful than below, but she was adorned with flowers. I had a pleasant chat with her dad who was very nice and accommodating and her sister was just as sweet as Pankti. We all had a great time. Pankti was radiant.....I can here some comments already from Mr. Moser in RTP, lol, I told you Tony and I had something in common......
Tejal's wedding is next Tuesday. I have a nice green Chiffon number I went out and purchased especially for the occasion. I think I can expense clothing if I have nothing to wear, I had nothing to wear to weddings. ...
Cindy Stroupe, I heard Deb say she will capture this on film...LOL...OMG, I will most likely break into song "I am pretty, oh so pretty......"
I expect they are all marrying so that their husbands can stay home and cook for them when they arrive at 11pm at night after working.......
Mike I tried to find out where the honeymoon was incase you needed to call her for a SSD report but closest I could get was somewhere in Malaysia....

Below is most likely the resason the traffic was so bad on the way to Pankti's wedding. I just learned that evening that some of the ORCHID team actually drives in Mumbai. Below is Manali , one of the leads from GSP. I have not slept since and every red car that passes my taxi in the morning or evening causes stomach problems.....

This me and
my "muse", Sundar. Last year he immitated me by losing weight. This year he keeps a wardrobe in his office of some of my outfits, he wanted to be impressive at Pankti's wedding so her wore the exact shirt,slacks and shoes. I should have brought the hot dog or pairate or Vimpat man outfits, I am pretty sure he does not have those.

Deb Rubin is here from RTP GRM. The GRM team took her out this weekend, I will see if I can get some snaps from the GRM ladies for the blog. Brigitte.........I want that photo of when you were hear on your last night!!!! Stay tuned , its a classic.
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